
Managing Operation of GlaxoSmithKline Company


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A team is formed in every business entity in order to achieve the goal effectively and within time. Team development is important to frame the team in the firm. For the present essay, the GlaxoSmithKline company is selected which is UK UK-based company operating in the pharmaceutical sector. The essay describes that teamwork is beneficial for the company and there are two team development theories are applied in the company which shows that how the company achieve the goal with the help of the theories. It describes the advantages and drawbacks of the theory.

A team is a group of people who have different skills and different efficiency, and who work together to achieve a common goal and complete the same project in an organisation. In every organization, there are teams that must be there to complete the tasks. In this essay an organization is chosen that is Glaxosmithkline company which is UK UK-based company operating in the pharmaceutical industry. There are some benefits of team development in a firm. The team is beneficial for the company in increasing productivity as well as the effectiveness of the company's performance. The team translates the goal of the organization into the outcomes of the team (Gunasekaran, Jabbour and Jabbour, 2014). A company benefits from the team in terms of achieving the proper goal before or within time because more skills together will give better output to the company. The team can be support the performance of individuals which providing mentoring and allowing other members to increase their self-confidence which also beneficial to the organization in increasing productivity. Conflicts always arise in organizations, employees come from various backgrounds, different behaviours, different habits and work styles which leads to a decrease the conflicts in the firm and an increase the efficiency at the workplace. The team have a range of various personalities such as workers, leaders, thinkers etc. who contribute the right balance of skills necessary to achieve high performance and goals (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2015). The team can generate a wider range of ideas as well as innovations in comparison to an individual which help to achieve the goal effectively and efficiently. Hence, these all are benefits of team development which help an organisation.

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In team development, there are many theories which help all organizations. There are two team development theories which apply in the GlaxoSmithKline company of the pharmaceutical sector. In this company, there are many projects assigned and to complete a particular project the team is built up in the firm. Tuckman's five-stage team development model is applied in most organisations and in GlaxoSmithKline firm. The model or theory of team development is applied in selected organisations to complete a particular project and achieve the goal. In this model, there are five stages included for team development such as forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Forming is the very first stage of team development where the GSK company build the team to complete the particular project (Martin and Siebert, 2016). In this company, a team of employees and the team members try to explore and understand behaviour of each other. At this stage team members are behaved politely and try to fit in the team. Storming is the second stage where the team members of the relevant company are starts to compete for status, leadership as well as control in the team or group. In this stage there are individuals are understand the activity and verify their role in the team. Here interpersonal conflicts start to arise between members. The team members try to resolve the obstacles and issues related to the working relations and related to the task and project for which the team is built. Norming is the third stage of team development where members have better relations with each other in the firm (Tjosvold, Wong and Feng Chen, 2014). They establish a balance between different conflicting forces. All members develop the group norms and consensus to complete the task and achieve the goal of the team or group. In this stage, between the group members there are cooperative feelings are developed. Performing is the fourth stage of the five stages team development model where the team members are given the effort to complete the task. In this stage, the team members make an effort to increase the performance of the work and accomplishment of the particular project or particular objective. At this stage pattern is established for improving correlation between members. Adjourning is the fifth and last stage of team development. The GlaxoSmithKline business entity made the team earlier to complete a project or task or for some purpose (Scott and Davis, 2015). When this particular project and purpose has been completed and fulfilled then the group may or may not be adjourned in the mentioned firm. Here the group can be broken down after completing the project because for another project there are different people are may be required. Hence, the breaking up of the group or team is referred to as adjournment.

There is a second and other team development theory applied in the mentioned company for the essay. Another theory is Kormanski & Mozenter's (1987) Stages of Team Development which is used by the company to develop the team and achieve the goal. The model consisting five stages of team development and completing the task of the firm. The five stages are such as awareness, conflict, cooperation, productivity and separation.  Awareness is the first stage of developing the team to complete the project of GlaxoSmithKline organisation. In this very first stage, the group is prepared and made by the firm. Here the group members try to know each other as well as get to know the goal which they have to achieve. After knowing the purpose of the team, the members commit themselves to that particular goal (Theories of Team Development, 2013). Here the individuals get to know and accept to complete the task together to achieve the goal. The second stage of team development is conflict. At this second stage, the members are searching for the task and start to ask questions. As a result, various matters are clarified among the team but with this there are many conflicts are arising in the mentioned company. The members fight each other for interaction resolve in this stage. At this level of team development conflicts arise among the group members. Cooperation is the third stage of team development which helps the selected company in resolve the conflicts which arise in the above stage among group members. The members own the group goals and then get involved in the project which they have to complete (Kuipers and et.al., 2014). In the third stage, all the members are in support of each other. Productivity is the fourth stage of team development where the task is completed by the team. This stage is of real achievement of the particular project or purpose or goals achieved by the group members. The team members feel proud of the team because they achieve the objectives of the group. Here productivity increases because the whole team is working together instead of working individually. Separation is the last stage of the team development. In the just above stage the goal is archived or the project is completed of the relevant business entity by the group members. Here having accomplished the goal or the outcomes, some work-specific groups may decide to get dissolved. Here it is time to come to a close to the group. The group is for achieving a particular goal and for another goal, the other group is to be framed by the company (Noble and Murrell, 2014). The team members have a high satisfaction level of working and completing the goal with each other. The stage of team development is of closure of the group, or closure of the one particular task on which the group was working together. At this stage, the group is to be close to the organisation.

Apart from all the theories of team development, there are some advantages and some limitations of Tuckman's five-stage team development model. On the advantage side of the model of team development, different necessary sources such as skills, talents, innovations etc. could be like a bridge over to complete the task and achieve the common goal of fulfilling the particular project of the company. As mentioned initially regarding team development which refers to a group of people with complementary talents, skills and innovations who are committed to the same task for which members are held mutually accountable, that means there is a close tie between the members of the group as they are mutually accountable to complete the common project within the organisation. From this model, another advantage is that the company easily and effectively completes the certain task assigned to the group (Zakarevičius and Župerkienė, 2015). The productivity is increased by this model in the mentioned business entity. The advantage is that the group members complete the task step by step which gives better performance to the company. Advantage of the Tuckman's model of team development is leads to higher well as improved performance levels which are mentioned above in the description of the model. The model is beneficial to achieve the goal and increase the profitability of the selected organisation. On the other hand, there are some limitations are also of Tuckman's model of team development. The limitations of the model are that it is not compulsory that every firm use the stage-wise process for team development, some companies use the cyclic process for team development. The nature of the work can be determined that individual-based work is more desired instead of the team-based one. Some individuals may not want to work together and in a team so due to that reason, the model is not used by some companies (Kannothra and Manning, 2016). If in the team one member is more efficient in doing research and analysis and other members are not so efficient then the research work has to be done by that member alone, it will create a conflict situation in the company. Another limitation is that group processes may not be set in stone, and as the model deals with human behaviour, it is sometimes unclear when a group has moved from one stage to another stage. There may be overlap between the stages.

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The advantage of another team development theory is that it gives the proper and beneficial outcomes to the mentioned firm. The model provides the company with a level of guidance for developing a team to complete the project of GlaxoSmithKline firm. Another advantage is that it is useful to the company to increase productivity because when various skills and talents work together then efficiency will increase to do tasks (Rogan and Mors, 2014). Apart from the advantages, there are some drawbacks are also of the theory that it is not compulsory that group members behave according to the stages. It is not necessary that individuals will be involved in each other to complete the task, maybe there are some conflicts are always among some team members. The model is not that appropriate for the business entity because sometimes the members can go on the wrong track as well. Hence, there are advantages and some drawbacks are also with the model.

From the above essay on organisational management, it can be articulated that team management is very beneficial for every organisation as well as for the selected firm GlaxoSmithKline. Team management is beneficial in order to complete the project effectively. It can be concluded that the company is applied the two theories of team development. The first theory is Tuckman's five-stage team development model and another theory of team development is Kormanski & Mozenter's (1987) Stages of Team Development. Both theories help to company in forming the group and completing the task and then the group is closed. It can be concluded that some advantages and limitations are there of both team development theories.


  • Clegg S.R., Kornberger M. and Pitsis T., 2015. Managing and organizations: An introduction to theory and practice. Sage.
  • Gunasekaran A., Jabbour C.J.C. and Jabbour A.B.L.D.S., 2014. Managing organizations for sustainable development in emerging countries: an introduction.
  • International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 21(3). pp.195-197.
  • Kannothra C.G. and Manning S., 2016. Impact Sourcing at ServImpact: Managing People, Clients and Growth.
  • Kuipers B.S. and et.al., 2014. The management of change in public organizations: A literature review. Public Administration. 92(1). pp.1-20.
  • Martin G. and Siebert S., 2016. Managing people and organizations in changing contexts Routledge.
  • Noble S.A. and Murrell K.L., 2014. Managing organizations: Experiential MBA course teaches alternatives to the machine model. Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning. 38.
  • Rogan M. and Mors M.L., 2014. A network perspective on individual-level ambidexterity in organizations. Organization Science. 25(6). pp.1860-1877.
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